Publicaciones 2018 SEES
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- Hits: 37569
3.1.1 Artículos originales de investigación. Publicados en extenso en revistas de prestigio internacional con arbitraje estricto.
- Ramón Parra-Michel, Javier Vázquez Castillo, Luis René Vela-García, Valeri Kontorovich and Fernando Peña-Campos. A Channel Model and Simulation Technique for Reproducing Channel Realizations With Predefined Stationary or Non-Stationary PSD. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17(8): 5409-5424: 2018.
- Flores-Conde, E Díaz-Torres, R Ortega-Amaya, Mauricio Ortega-López. Study of the electronic transport in the semiconducting Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 and Bi1.5Sb0.5Te3 alloys. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. (2018) 1-6,
- Magali Estrada, Antonio Cerdeira, YoanlysHernandez-Barrios, OanaMoldovan, Francois Lime, Marcelo Pavanello, Benjamín Iñiguez. Effect of the distribution of states in amorphous In-Ga-Zn-0 layers on the conduction mechanism of thin film transistors on its base. Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics.31 (1) (2018) 1-9
- Concepción, Arturo Escobosa-Echavarría, O. de Melo. Vapor Phase Growth of High-Quality Bi-Te Compounds Using Elemental Bi and The Sources: A Comparison Between High Vacuum and Atmospheric Pressure. Journal of Electronic Materials. 47 (2018) 4277–4281.
- Victor S. Balderrama, Jose G. Sanchez, Gonzalo Lastra, Werther Cambarau, Saul Arias, JosepPallares, Emilio Palomares, Magali Estrada.and LluisF. High-efficiency organic solar cells based on a halide salt and polyfluorene polymer with a high alignment-level of the cathode selective contact. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2018, 6, Vol.45, pp. 22534-22544, DOI: 10.1039/c8ta05778h, 18 Sep. 2018.
- S. Abarca-Jiménez, J. Mares-Carreño, M. A. Reyes-Barranca, B. Granados-Rojas, S. Mendoza-Acevedo, J. E. Munguía-Cervantes, M. A. Alemán-Arce. Inertial sensing MEMS device using a floating-gate MOS transistor as transducer by means of modifying the capacitance associated to the floating gate. Microsystem Technologies. 24 (2018) 2753–2764.
- Angélica Guadalupe Hernández, Arturo Escobosa-Echavarría, Yuriy Kudriavtsev. White luminescence emission from silicon implanted germanium. Applied Surface Science. 428 (2018) 1098–1105. Netherlands, ISSN: 0169-4332
- Hernandez-Barrios, Antonio Cerdeira, M. Estrada, B. Iñiguez. An insight to mobility parameters for AOSTFTs, when the effect of both, localized and free carriers, must be considered to describe the device behavior. Solid State Electronics. 149 (2018) 32–37.
- Torchynska, R. Cisneros-Tamayo, L. Vega-Macotela, G. PolupanArturoEscobosa-Echavarría. Emission and HR-XRD study of MBE structures with InAs quantum dots and AlGaInAs strain reducing layers. Superlattices and Microstructures. 124 (2018) 153-159.
- Concepcion Omar, Galvan-Arellano, Miguel Torres-Costa Vicente, Aurelio Climent-Font, Daniel Bahena, Miguel Manso Silván, Arturo Escobosa and Osvaldo de Melo. Controlling the Epitaxial Growth of Bi2Te3, BiTe, and Bi4Te3 Pure Phases by Physical Vapor Transport. Inorganic Chemistry. 57 (2018) 10090-10099.
- E Díaz-Torres, A Flores-Conde, A. Ávila-García, Mauricio Ortega-López. Electronic transport study of PbSe pellets prepared from self-assembled 2D-PbSe nanostructures. Current Applied Physics. 18 (2) (2018) 226-230
- Poplavsky, AYa. Kolpakov, YuriyKudriavtsev, R. Asomoza, I. Yu. Goncharov, ME. Galkina, S. S. Manokhin, V. A. Kharchenko. Effect of nitrogen ion irradiation parameters on properties of nitrogen containing carbon coatings prepared by pulsed vacuum arc deposition method. Vacuum. 152 (2018) 193-199.
- Yuriy Kudriavtsev, Miguel Avendaño, Georgina Ramírez, Rene Asomoza-Palacio, Linda Manzanilla Naim. Water vapor interaction with borosilicateglass. Solid State Ionics. 321 (2018) 122–125
- Pablo Tirado Jesús, J. Alcantar-Peña, Elida de Obaldia, Yuriy Kudriavtsev, Rafael García, Orlando Auciello. Boron doping ofultrananocrystallinediamond films bythermaldiffusionprocess. MRS Communications. (2018) 1-8. doi:10.1557/mrc.2018.157
- D. Moiseev, Yuriy Kudriavtsev, T. B. Charikova, A. M. Lugovykh, T. E. Govorkova, and V. I. Okulov. Effects of Magnetic Ordering in Conductivity and Magnetization of GaAs-Based Semiconductor Heterostructures upon Changing the Concentration of the Delta-Layer of Manganese Admixture. Physics of the Solid State.60 (12) (2018) 2363–2368.
- Ángel-Huerta, M. P. González-Araoz, J. F. Sánchez-Ramírez, J. Díaz-Reyes, J. L. Herrera-Pérez, José Saúl Arias-Cerón, J. G. Mendoza-Álvarez. Synthesis temperature-dependent optical properties of ZnS-shell formation on InP nanoparticles. Journal of Luminescence. 197 (2018) 277-284 ISSN 0022-2313; ISSN doi:
- Ángel-Huerta, M. P. González-Araoz, José Saúl Arias-Cerón, J. F. Sánchez-Ramírez, J. Díaz-Reyes, J. L. Herrera-Pérez, J. G. Mendoza-Álvarez. Study of the effect of the synthesis temperature onthephotoluminescent properties of InP@ZnS nanocrystals. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (2018) 15649-15657 ISSN0957-4522 ISSN1573-482
- José Saúl Arias-Cerón, H. Vilchis, D. M. Hurtado-Castañeda, V. M. Sánchez-Reséndiz. Free standing c-GaN films grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on GaP (100) substrates. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 74 (2018) 98-101 ISSN 1369-8001.ISSN doi:
- A. Serrano-Ruz, E. Campos-González, J. Santoyo-Salazar, José Saúl Arias-Cerón, A. Chávez-Chávez, G. Gómez-Rosas, A. Pérez-Centeno, I. Ceja, F. de Moure-Flores, M. Meléndez-Lira. Synthesis of colloidal silicon and germanium nanoparticles by laser ablation of solid Si and Ge targets in ethanol. MaterialsResearch Express. (5) (1) (2018) 015038-1-5 ISSN2053-1591 doi:
- Salvador Iván Garduño, Lastra, G. Balderrama, V. S. Reséndiz, L. Pallarès, Cabrera, V. Marsal. F, Estrada M. High-Performance Inverted Polymer Solar Cells: Study and Analysis of Different Cathode Buffer Layers. IEEE JournalofPhotovoltaics. 8 (2) (2018) 505-511
- Salvador Iván Garduño, Sánchez J, G. Balderrama, V. S., Osorio. , Viterisi. A. Estrada M, Ferré-Borrull, J. Pallarè, J. Marsal L.F. Impact of inkjet printedZnO electron transport layer on the characteristics of polymer solar cells. RSC Advances. 8 (24) (2018) 13094-13102.
- A. Vásquez, G. Romero-Paredes, R. Peña-Sierra. Electricaltransportphenomena in nanostructuredporous-siliconfilms. Revista Mexicana de Física.64 (2018) 559–565. DOI: 10.31349/RevMexFis.64.559.
- A. Elyukhin. Weaklystrained highly mismatched BxIn1-xBVyAs1-y (BV = Sb, Bi) alloys. Journal of Applied Physics. 123 (2018) 161564.
- Ana M. Pineda-Reyes, M. de la L. Olvera.Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles from water-in-oil (w/o) microemulsions. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 203 (2018) 141-147. Published by Elsevier
- Viridiana Mata, Arturo Maldonado, María de la Luz Olvera.Deposition of ZnO thin films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique. Effect of the milling speed and time and its application in photocatalysis. Materials Science in Semiconducting Processing. 75 (2018) 288-295.
- Arreguín-Campos, E. Campos-Gonzalez, A. Guillén-Cervantes, J. Santos-Cruz, S. A. Mayén-Hernández, O. Zelaya-Angel, M. de la L. Olvera, G. Contreras-Puente, and F. de Moure-Flores. Synthesis of paramelaconite nanoparticles by laser ablation. Journal of Laser Applications.30 (012012) (2018). Published by the Laser Institute of America
- Juan Pablo Morán-Lázaro, Erwin Said Guillen-López, Florentino López-Urias, Emilio Muñoz-Sandoval, Oscar Blanco-Alonso, Héctor Guillén-Bonilla, Alex Guillén-Bonilla, Verónica María Rodríguez-Betancourtt, Marciano Sanchez-Tizapa and María de la Luz Olvera-Amador.Synthesis of ZnMn2O4 Nanoparticles by a Microwave-Assisted Colloidal Method and their Evaluation as a Gas Sensor of Propane and Carbon Monoxide. Sensors. 18 (2018) 701. https://doi:10.3390/s18030701.
- Regmi, M. Rohini, P. Reyes Figueroa, Arturo Maldonado, María de la Luz Olvera, S. Velumani.Deposition and characterization of ultrathin intrinsic zinc oxide (i-ZnO) films by radio frequency (RF) sputtering for propane gas sensing application. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (2018) 15682-15692 ISSN: 0957-4522 (print version); ISSN: 1573-482X (electronic version)
- Alex Guillen-Bonilla, Oscar Blanco-Alonso, José Trinidad Guillen-Bonilla, M. de la Luz Olvera-Amador, Verónica M. Rodriguez-Betancourtt, Araceli Sanchez-Martinez, Juan Pablo Moran-Lázaro, Mario Martinez-Garcia, Héctor Guillen-Bonilla.Synthesis and characterization of cobalt antimonate nanostructures and their study as potential CO and CO2 sensor at low temperatures. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (2018) 15632-15642ISSN: 0957-4522 (print version); ISSN: 1573-482X (electronic version).
- Heberto Gómez Pozos, KarthikTangirala, Venkata Krishna, María de la Luz Olvera, Amador, Yuriy Kudriavtsev, Arturo Maldonado Álvarez.TiO2 thin film based gas sensorsfor CO-detection. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29 (2018) 15829-15837
- Chavez-Vargas,·V. K. Jayaraman, T. V. K. Karthik, M. de la L. Olvera, J. Vega Perez, A. Jimenez-Gonzalez, A. Maldonado, Omar LopezOrtega,·HebertoGomez-Pozos.Effect of doping concentration, solvent proportions and solution aging on the figure of merit of chemically sprayed ZnO:F thin films. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics.29 (2018) 15821-15828 ISSN: 0957-4522 (print version); ISSN: 1573-482X (electronic version)
- Morales, A. Maldonado, M. de la L. Olvera.CO and C3H8 sensing performance of coatings obtained from TiO2-powders. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (2018) 15808-15813 ISSN:0957-4522 (print version); ISSN:1573-482X (electronic version)
- Vinoth Kumar Jayaraman, Arturo Maldonado Álvarez, Monserrat Bizarro, María de la Luz Olvera Amador.Effect of acetic acid and water content in the spray solution on structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of Al and In co-doped zinc oxide thin films. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (2018) 15321-15328 ISSN:0957-4522 (printversion); ISSN: 1573-482X (electronicversion)
- Manuel Perez-Guzman, Rebeca Ortega-Amaya, Yasuhiro Matsumoto, Andrés Espinoza-Rivas, Juan Morales-Corona, Jaime Santoyo-Salazar Mauricio Ortega-López. Growth and Self-Assembly of Silicon–Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles into Hybrid Worm-Like Nanostructures at the Silicon Wafer Surface. 8 11 (2018) 954.
- Arellano Cardenas, L.M. Flores Nava, F. Gomez Castañeda, J.A. Moreno Cadenas. ECG arrhythmia Detection using a Linguistic Hedges based Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering l 7, 5, 2151- 2157 (2018) ISSN: 2320-3765
- A. Granada-Ramírez, J. S. Arias-Cerón, P. Rodríguez-Fragoso, F. Vázquez-Hernández, J. P. Luna-Arias, J. L. Herrera-Pérez, J. G. Mendoza-Álvarez.Quantum dots for biomedical applications Nanobiomaterials, Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications. 411-436 (2018) ISSN impreso: 9780081007167; ISSN electrónico:9780081007259doi:
- Santiago Torres-Jaramillo, Arturo Morales-Acevedo, Roberto Bernal-Correa, AlvaroPulzara-Mora. Optimizing two and four-terminal CuGaSe2/CuInGaSe2 tandem solar cells for achieving high efficiencies, Optik 175, 71-77 (2018),
- I. Conterras-Rascón, J. Díaz-Reyes, M. E. Linares-Avilés, K. N. Rivera-Hernández, M. Galván-Arellano, José Saúl Arias-Cerón, J. Martínez-Juárez. Characterization of CBD–CdS nanocrystals doped with Co2+. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. (2018) 1-9 ISSN 0957-4522. ISSN 1573-482x doi:
- Douda, L. G. Miranda-Calderón, T. Kryshtab, José Saúl Arias-Cerón, A. Kryvko. Synthesis and characterization of II–VI (CdSe) quantum dot encapsulated liposomes. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (2018) 1-9 ISSN0957-4522; ISSN1573-482 doi:
- Aruna-Devi, R., Latha, M., Velumani, S, Santoyo-Salazar, J., & Santos-Cruz, J. Telescoping synthesis and goldilocks of CZTS nanocrystals, Materials Research Bulletin, 2018. 111, 342-349.
- Ravichandran M. Velumani S., Ramírez, J. T., Vera A., Leija L. Biofunctionalized MnFe2O4@ Aucore-shell nanoparticles for pH-responsive drug delivery and hyperthermal agent for cáncer therapy Artificial cellsnanomedicine and biotechnology 2018, pp. 1-11.
- Regmi, G., Rohini, M., Reyes-Figueroa, P., Maldonado, A., de la Luz Olvera, M., & Velumani, S. Deposition and characterization of ultrathin intrinsic zinc oxide (i-ZnO) films by radio frequency (RF) sputtering for propane gas sensing application. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, vol. 29, issue 18, pp. 15682–15692.
- Karthick, S., Ríos-Ramírez, J. J., Chakaravarthy, S., &Velumani, S. Electrical, optical, and topographical properties of RF magnetron sputtered aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films complemented by first-principles calculations. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018. 29 issue 18,15383-15395.
- Merupo, V. I., Velumani, S. K. Ordon, M. Makowska-Janusik, A. Kassibba, Cu, Mo-doped and prostine-BiVo4 thin films prepared by of sputering process for photocatalytic applications, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2018,29 issue 18,15770-15775.
- Ángeles-Pascual, A., Piñón-Hernández, J. R., Estevez-González, M., Pal, U., Velumani, S., Pérez, R., & Esparza, R. Structure, magnetic and cytotoxic behaviour of solvothermally grown Fe3O4@ Au core-shell nanoparticles. MaterialsCharacterization, 2018, 142, 237-244.
- Nwakanma, O., Reyes, P., &Velumani, S. Electrical, structural, and topographical properties of direct current (DC) sputtered bilayer molybdenum thin films. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2018. 29, 15671-15681.
- Latha, M., Devi, R. A., &Velumani, S. Hot injection synthesis of Cu (In, Ga) Se 2 nanocrystals with tunable bandgap. Optical Materials, 2018, 79, 450-456.
- Mercyrani, R. Hernandez-Maya, M. Solís-López, Christeena Th-Th, S.Velumani, Photocatalytic degradation of Orange G using TiO2/Fe3O4 nanocomposites, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2018, 29, issue 18, 15436–15444.
- Ching-Prado, E., Samudio, C. A., Santiago-Aviles, J., &Velumani, S. Electronic structure and optical properties of SnO2:F from PBE0 hybrid functional calculations. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2018, 29, issue 18, pp. 15423-15435.
- Babu, B.J., Egaas, B. &Velumani, S. Selenization of CIS and CIGS layers deposited by chemical spray pyrolysis, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2018, 29, issue 18,15369-15375.
- Venkatesan, R., Velumani, S., Ordon, K., Makowska-Janusik, M., Corbel, G., &Kassiba, A. Structural and morphological data of RF-Sputtered BiVO4 thin films. Data in brief, 2018, 17, 526-528.
- Venkatesan, R., Velumani, S., Ordon, K., Makowska-Janusik, M., Corbel, G., &Kassiba, A. Nanostructured bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) thin films for efficient visible light photocatalysis. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 205, 325-333.
- Juárez Amador, M. Galván Arellano, J. A. Andraca Adame; G. Romero Paredes, A. Kennedy Magos, R. Peña-Sierra. Electrical, optical and structural characteristics of gallium oxide thin films deposited by RF-sputtering L. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (2018) 15726-15731
- Andraca-Adame, G. Romero-Paredes, R. Peña-Sierra.Electrical, optical and magnetoresistive behavior of nanostructured ZnO:Cu thin films deposited by sputtering. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (2018) 15339-15343
- Nieto, T. Hernández, Javier Rivera De la Rosa, F. J. Garza Méndez, M. de la L. Olvera, T. Serrano, Gómez, B. Kharisov.Investigation of Sm1−xCaxFe0.7Co0.3O3 films (x = 0.0–0.3) prepared by modified sol–gel spin-coating method for carbon monoxide and propane gas sensing. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 29 (2018) 15587-15596 0957-4522 (print version); ISSN: 1573-482X (electronic version)
- Vázquez-Hernández, D. A. Granada-Ramírez, J. S. Arias-Cerón, P. Rodríguez-Fragoso, J. G. Mendoza-Álvarez, E. Ramón-Gallegos, A. Cruz-Orea, J. P. Luna-Arias.Use of nanostructured materials in drug delivery. Nanobiomaterials, Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical Applications 503-549 (2018) ISSN impreso: 9780081007167; ISSN electrónico:9780081007259doi:
- Garduño, S. I., Lastra, G., Balderrama, V. S., Reséndiz, L., Pallarès, Cabrera, V., Marsal, L. F., Estrada.M. High-Performance Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Study and Analysis of Different Cathode Buffer Layers.IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, Volume 8, Issue 2, March 2018, pp. 505-511
- Martinez-Lopez, A.G., Padron-Hernandez, W.Y., Pourjafari, D., Oskam, G., Rodriguez-Gattorno, G., Estrada, M., Tinoco, J.C. Electrical Characterization of Schottky Diodes Based on Inkjet-Printed TiO2 Films. IEEE Electron Device Letters,2018 PP(99):1-1DOI: 10.1109/LED.2018.2874380
- Avila Garcia and L. Ortega Reyes.Analysis and parameter extraction of memristive structures based on Strukov’snon-linear model. Journal of Semiconductors, Vol. 39 No. 12, 2018, 124009 pp 1-8.
- A. Ruiz-Preciado, A. A. Flores Caballero, A. Manzo Robledo and A. Morales-Acevedo. Nanostructured NiTiO3 as a Catalytic Material for Methanol Electrochemical Oxidation in Alkaline Conditions. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (3) H84-H90 (2018),
- Armando Acevedo Luna, and Arturo Morales Acevedo.Study of validity of the single-diode model for solar cells by I–V curves parameters extraction using a simple numerical method. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29(18), 15284-15290 (2018),
- Isaac Montes Valenzuela, Francisco Perez Sanchez, Arturo Morales Acevedo. Structural, optical and photoluminescence properties of hybrid metal–organic halide perovskite thin films prepared by a single step solution method. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29(18), 15404-15410 (2018),
- Samayoa, L. Alvarez-Romero, L.A. Ochoa-Ontiveros, L. Damián-Adame, E. Victoria. Tobon and G. Romero-Paredes. Fractal imbibition in Koch’s curve-likecapillarytubes. Mexicana de Física 64 (2018) 291-295 Publicados en extenso en otras revistas especializadas, con arbitraje.
- L. González Vidal, M.A. Reyes-Barranca, E.N. Vazquez Acosta and J. J. Raygoza Panduro. Sensing system with an artificial neural network based on floating-gate metal oxide semiconductor transistors, Revista Mexicana de Física 66(1): 91-97: 2020.
- M. Hernández Rodríguez, S. Tehuacanero Cuapa, R. Peña-Sierra and G. Romero-Paredes. Synthesis of Porous ZnO Films on Quartz Substrates by Thermal Oxidation and the Oxidant Atmosphere Effect. Key Engineering Materials 834: 49-54: 2020. ISSN 1662-9795. Publicados en extenso en memorias de congresos internacionales, con arbitraje.
5.1.1.c.1. Antonio Cerdeira Altuzarra and M. Estrada. Adaption of Triple Gate Junctionless MOSFETs Analytical Compact Model for Accurate Circuit Design in a Wide Temperature Range. p. 1-4.
The Electrochemical Society, Conference Procedings 2018-05-13 - 2018-05-17 Seatle, Wa:
5.1.1.c.2. Antonio Cerdeira Altuzarra. Simulation Analysis of the Fin Height Influence on the Electrical Parameters of Junctionless Nanowire Transistors. p. 85-90.
Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR) 2018-06-25 - 2018-06-29 Incheon/Seoul, South Korea:
5.1.1.c.3. Salvador Iván Garduño Vértiz, M. Estrada and A. Cerdeira. Study of Thin-Film Transistors Fabricated at Low Temperature with Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors and hafnium oxide. p. 449-452.
33rd Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices SBMicro 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-31 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil:
5.1.1.c.4. Antonio Cerdeira Altuzarra and M. Estrada. Improvement of the harmonic distortion by using diamond MOSFET. p. 1-4.
5.1.1.c.5. Arturo Morales-Acevedo. Comparison of ZnS thin films deposited by chemicalbath using different precursor solutions. p. 1-4.
5.1.1.c.6. Arturo Morales-Acevedo. Optimal Design of Thin Cu2ZnSn(S1-xSex)4Solar Cells. p. 1-7.
5.1.1.c.7. F. Gómez-Castañeda and J.A. Moreno-Cadenas. Experimental Spiking Neural Network: Solving the XOR Paradigm with Metahuristics. p. 1-5.
5.1.1.c.8. F. Gómez-Castañeda and J.A. Moreno-Cadenas. Memristive Optimizer for the Assignment Task. p. 1-5.
5.1.1.c.9. Mario Alfredo Reyes Barranca. Application and Resulting Suitability of a Genetic Algorithm in the Design of FGMOS-based CMOS-MEMS Transducers. p. 1-6.
5.1.1.c.10. Mauricio Ortega López and Y. Matsumoto Kuwabara. Phase composition of Cu2SnS3thin films prepared by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis as potential photovoltaic material. p. 1-5.
5.1.1.c.11. Ramón Peña Sierra. Characterization of Single Phase Nanometric Cu2O Films Grown by Thermal Oxidation in the Range of 600 to 950° C in an Atmosphere with Low Oxygen Content. p. 1-5.
5.1.1.c.12. René Asomoza and Yuri Koudriavtsev. Simple method for fabrication of light diffraction gratings from ultraviolet to infrared. p. 1-3.
5.1.1.c.13. Velumani Subramaniam. 12 Possible Orientations of organic Formamidinium cation and its structural analysis by First Principles calculations using Van der Waals-Density functional Theory. p. 1-5.
5.1.1.c.14. Velumani Subramaniam. Characterizations of a Selenized Cu (In 1-x Ga x) Se 2 Thin Film Absorber Layer Fabricated by a Three-Stage Hybrid Method. p. 1-6.
5.1.1.c.15. Velumani Subramaniam. Structural, Morphological, Topographical, and Electrical Properties of Selenized CIGSe Layers by Evaporation Technique. p. 1-6.
5.1.1.c.16. Y. Matsumoto Kuwabara. Luminescent SiOC thin films via HWCVD using TEOS: Role of the chamber pressure and post-deposition annealing. p. 1-4.
5.1.1.c.17. Yuri Koudriavtsev and R. Asomoza. Effect of Solvent on the Structural Properties of Iron and Cobalt Oxides. p. 1-5.
The Sixth International Symposium on Environmental Biothechnology and Engineering and IV Congreso Nacional de Tecnologías y Ciencias Ambientales 2018-11-05 - 2018-11-09 Ciudad Obregón. Sonora México:
5.1.1.c.18. Yasuhiro Matsumoto Kuwabara. Biological Synthesis of Iron Nanoparticles from Anaerobic Consortia grown in Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Reactors from Biohydrogen and Methane-based Biorrefineries. p. 1-20.
3.1.2 Capítulos de investigación original en extenso en libros especializados, publicados por una casa editorial.
- Mario Alfredo Reyes Barranca. Gaussian function generator for a Perceptron ANN with FGMOS transistors in an integrated circuit. Physical Sensors, Sensor Networks and Remote Sensing : 309-323: 2018. ISBN 978-84-09-03028-6. Book Chapter: Chapter 12.
- Mauricio Ortega López. CdTe Thin Films: Deposition Techniques and Applications. Intechopen : 1-18: 2018. Chapter of the book “Coatings and Thin-Film Technologies”.
3.2.1 Productos de investigación tecnológica y estudios especializados (solicitados por terceros y avalados por la institución). Reportes finales de un paquete de investigación tecnológica. Reportes de diseño y desarrollo de nuevos productos o procesos.
3.2.2 Patentes Otorgadas. Extranjeras. Nacionales en explotación comercial. Nacionales.
3.2.3 Desarrollo de programas de computación. Desarrollo de programas de computación con derechos de autor registrados y con usuarios múltiples. Desarrollo de programas de cómputo originales de alto impacto con derechos de autor registrados
3.2.4 Divulgación Científica. Capítulos de libros o artículos de revistas de divulgación científica y/o tecnológica o reseñas (incluye traducciones de libros publicados). Reseñas de artículos.